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Abstract Submission

Please Note:

The last date to submit an abstract to be considered for Travel Grant: 30th of June 2024

If you have any questions or issues with abstract submission, please contact us at 

Abstract Submission Form

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Abstract Submission Guidelines:

1. All authors contributed to the study must be listed on the submission.

2. Affiliations must be listed for all authors.

3. Corresponding author’s and presenting author’s emails should be included.

4. Presenting author’s name should be highlighted in bold and underlined. 

5. The body of abstract may not exceed 350 words. Make sure all special characters are displayed accurately in your uploaded file.  

6. The submission should also include a lay abstract, either in the same file (at the end of the submission file, if uploading a file) or can be pasted in the lay abstract section in the online form below.



1. The symposium committee would assume that all authors accept sole responsibility for the statements in their abstract. 

2. It is also assumed that the submitting author has ensured that all authors have agreed to the submission of the abstract and to their being listed as contributors to the work prior to submission. 

3. Abstracts which do not follow the guidelines, as above, will not be accepted. 

Guideline Verification
The title should not exceed 20 words.
The abstract text should not exceed 350 words.
As the conference will be attended by patients, advocates and other members of the public, please provide a lay summary in simple terms of your work emphasizing its importance to the field of breast cancer treatment and research. Include your objectives, methodologies, results, and what this means for patients. The lay abstract should not be more than 150 words. Additionally, this lay abstract/summary should be printed on your poster above the scientific abstract.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a text file including the abstract together with the authorship and their affiliations. The abstract file should be named as follows: “LastName_FirstName_Institute”
Abstract/poster publication opt-out options:
The abstract/poster will be published in the Abstract Booklet and/or online on the website for electronic distribution; if you do not want your abstract/poster printed in the Abstract Booklet or published online then please check an appropriate box above: