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GRASP Poster Meetup

GRASP Poster Meetup

GRASP (Guiding Researchers and Advocates to Scientific Partnerships) is a patient-led organization that connects and empowers patients, clinicians, and researchers to exchange ideas and learn from each other. The in-person Poster Meetup will take place during the poster session and will bring scientists and patient advocates together for small group discussions about posters being presented at medical and scientific conferences.

The GRASP philosophy is that all participants have unique experiences and can add to the discussion. Unlike traditional presentations, GRASP adopts a conversational approach whereby patient advocates are encouraged to share their personal experiences, whether as cancer survivors or caregivers, shedding light on the profound impact of cancer on their lives.

GRASP seeks to create a bi-directional interactive learning environment whereby:

  1. Scientists can engage directly with the people they dedicate their lives to helping, bringing a sense of urgency and purpose to their work;
  2. Researchers can fine tune their communication skills by discussing their work with a nonscientific audience who is invested and eager to learn;
  3. Patient advocates can understand scientific processes in a robust and meaningful manner, giving them hope for longer and better lives that only research can provide.