The conference will be held at the Irish College Leuven:
Janseniusstraat 1
Leuven, 3000 Belgium
Arrival by plane at Brussels Airport Zaventem
By public transport
Train (travel time of 13 minutes to Leuven train station)
- Follow the arrows for the train. You will find the train station directly under the Departure and Arrival Halls of the airport (level -1). The escalator or lift will take you directly to the platform . You can either buy the train ticket online ( , on the app ‘nmbs: Trein info & tickets’ or at the machine right before the entrance of the platform. You will only have access to the platform if you have bought a ticket.
- Take the direct train to Leuven. Underneath we have listed two direct lines to Leuven. Be aware, after 7pm the hours might be different and other hours are valid if you have a different end destination than Leuven. You can check your route on the site mentioned above or in the application
- hh:21: IC 2604 – 2622 direction Leuven & Hasselt
- hh:38: IC 3603 – 3620 direction Leuven & Landen
- Be aware: the ticket you buy will be valid for each train from the airport to your destination on that day .
- For directions from Leuven train station to Irish college see section “2. Arrival by train at Leuven train station”
Bus from the airport (travel time of 1h20min)
- Follow the arrows for the bus station. The bus station is located one floor down from the Arrivals Hall, at level 0. Go to platform A for the busses of ‘De Lijn’ (see airport image below).
- Buy your tickets on the bus or via the app ‘De Lijn’
- Take bus nr 91 (Leuven Station). There is a bus every 30 minutes.
- Get out at ‘Leuven Sint-Rafaelkliniek’ after 51(!) stops
- Walk about 10 min (750m) to Irish college (see foot path below)

By Uber / Taxi
Go to the arrival hall, follow the arrows for taxi. If you want to take a taxi, the line will be just outside. If you prefer to take an Uber, please cross the street and enter the P1 front parking. Take the elevator up to the florr mentioned on your Uber application (4th or 5th). Meet your driver next to the parked cars and mention the address listed above.

Arrival by train at Leuven train station
By bus
- Buy your tickets on the bus or via the app ‘De Lijn’
- At the bus station (next to the train station) you take bus nr 2 (Heverlee campus Arenberg III). There is a bus every 9 minutes.
- After 3 stops you get out in ‘Leuven Sint-Michielkerk’.
- Then you walk about 4 mins (350m) to the Irish college

Footpath from bus stop (coming from Leuven station) to the Irish College Leuven
By foot
- Walk about 24 min (1.7km) to Irish college

Arrival by car
- Do to restricted parking spots at the Irish College we advise you to park your car at Q-park Leuven Heilig Hart. Address: Naamstestraat 102, 3000 Leuven (cost: 23 euros/day, opening hours: 5AM – 11PM)
- Walk about 8 min (650m) to Irish college
Q-park Leuven Heilig Hart